Wednesday, January 17, 2018

17 January, 2018

As it has been many months since the last time I published a piece, here is a copy of my first poetry assignment in my creative writing class.
Amidst the worst of all the terrible things in the world, there can always be found something to appreciate. The evil helps us see the good for what it truly is.
In short, among other things, these are just a few of the cool things that life has to offer. They are the happy, the exciting, the whimsical.
It is found in the genuine laughter of a young child, and the glimmer of the moonlight on the rocky shores of the ocean, and the satisfaction of solving a problem and completing a project, and the enjoyable aching of muscles after a well-needed workout, and the vast majesty of the stars in the sky at night, and the look of pure innocence I see when I look into my younger brother’s eyes, and the giddy feeling one knows so well when they find interest in another, and the calming effects of watching the sun set in the mountains, and the crackling of a bonfire in a secluded yet peaceful land, the thrill of dancing along-side those you love, and the magic in the air that is so easily recognized during the holiday season, and the simple act of forgiveness, and the way one comes to love themselves even during difficult times, and the feeling of sun rays oozing into your skin and filling your limbs with warmth, and the joyfulness of hearing fairy tales, and the absolute astonishment of the mind and imagination and how complex yet beautiful it appears to be, and the tears that fall not only when sad but also during feats of excitement and wonder, and the gentle embrace of a hug, and the shining smile a friend gives that is so easily appreciated, and the long curls that fall on the head of a woman like the leaves twirling in an autumn breeze, and the fear of the unknown, and the simplification of life, and the feeling I felt that summer morning when you smiled at me, and the intertwining of fingers of those in love, and the brushstrokes of colors on canvas.
In those moments of wonder, I tend to misplace the disastrous thoughts that so commonly occupy my mind. If only for a fraction of a minute, I can leave the stress and the worry behind and simply soak in the magnificence of all that the world brings.

Not only do I love these simple actions, but I love the intricacy of it all, and in turn that is what makes life so beautiful are these few, simple, cool things.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

21 September, 2017

Twelve o'clock midnight, Thursday morning. I have now been in Hawaii for a total of twenty seven days. The first week or so was definitely rough, and my new life for sure had some getting used to. The second night I was here I cried myself to sleep. I was alone in a foreign land with no one to turn to. My roommate, Heidi, had not yet arrived so I had no one with me, and since meeting people and socializing has always been somewhat of an issue for me, little to say I did not make many friends that first week. The fact that I rarely left my dorm room also did not help my case. The following week was filled with orientation activities, few of which I attended. While at lunch one day I ran into an old friend of mine, Allison, that I previously had classes with in elementary school. I became acquainted with her friend and brother as well, and later that day the four of us went to the Polynesian Cultural Center. During that same day, I found myself eyeing a boy from across the cafeteria. Coincidentally enough, I was later introduced to him by Allison. His name was Eli. We talked just a little that day but I became determined to become friends with this boy.
The day my roommate arrived I did not see a lot of her. She had traveled with her sister and her mom and spent most of the day with them. A few days later, she had to say goodbye to her family and we became very close. Words cannot describe how relieved I was to end up with a nice, normal roommate--that was before I was aware of her hidden love for anime...and her crushes on these non-existent characters. As odd as I found this at first, we eventually became best friends through time. As to be assumed with any two girls, we happened across the topic of boys more than once. I made sure to point out Eli, and clarify that we followed each other on Instagram, so things were getting pretty serious.
Well, weeks later school started. Schoolwork is nowhere near one of my favorite activities on this island, but sadly in order to pass classes I actually have to put forth an effort. Since the time of school starting, Heidi and I began to branch out and talk to more people, mostly just at meal times. One day I finally convinced myself, much to the nagging of Heidi, to sit by Eli's friend, where he would appear minutes later. We finally talked and had to go through the awkward phase of knowing that we previously met, but acting like we hadn't. He and his roommate Nate eventually starting talking to us more, and now we are decently close friends. Last week, Heidi, Nate, Eli, Michelle, Kennedy, and I all took a trip to Waimea to enjoy the beach there. Afterwards we went on a walk and discovered the food trucks (and their costliness) and enjoyed dinner together. Each day we continue to become closer friends, and Michelle and Heidi continue to make fun of me for my supposed "obsession" with Eli. If you knew how Michelle talked about this guy Sam though, you wouldn't think my actions were silly in the slightest. Sam is your typical tall, dark and handsome man. Practically every girl on campus is interested in him, but Heidi and I know he is Michelle's man, and nothing could stop Michelle from thinking the same.
Interesting tidbits from the week; I have recently been listening to a lot of music that I normally do not listen to, like Blink182, Panic! at the Disco, and My Chemical Romance. Heidi went through a slight phase when she was younger where she listened to all the Emo and punk rock bands, and she continues to play it every once in a while. I think some of it may be growing on me. We both share a love for 21 Pilots, so nothing else matters. I started watching Twilight for the first time, and I will honestly say I am a lot less disappointed in the story line than expected. I skipped class this morning (yesterday morning, if you will), and had the first mini meltdown since the first week here. While it may not seem it, that is definitely a huge accomplishment. Yesterday I was thinking to myself how happy I have been, and before today I honestly didn't really have a lot of worries. Life here is different than back home for sure, but I am coming to know the place and the people here as a home of its own. While I still have worries and stress in my life, I think that at the end of the day I can get through it, and I am happy to say I am very excited to see what else life throws at me next.
Yours truly,
Rachael <3

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

08 March, 2017

Well it's been a while..the past month or two have been very confusing indeed. Things in life seem to jump around and change so often. I was privileged to see my best friend again last week. Going on fourteen years now, if my counting is right. It feels weird being so close to someone; we are definitely family at this point and not simply friends.
Along with the chaos of life, this past week has taught me one important thing, and that is: hold on. And keep holding on, as long as you can. Things may seem rough right now but nothing is permanent. When we put our faith in God and trust that everything will work out as it is supposed to, that's when the good starts to happen. I have always believed that everything in life happens for a reason. Well, up until recently I have always assumed that I will eventually see the reason behind these happenings. One of my favorite aunts once told me that she prayed to know the reason behind something at one point in her youth, and as she grew older she found that she no longer desired to know, and in a way that was the answer she was searching for.
Many times things will happen that are unexplainable and frustrating. Sometimes it will get better soon, other instances may take a lot more time. But keep your head up and keep looking forward. That is the only way to be in life <3

Friday, January 6, 2017

06 January, 2017

06 January, 2017

With the coming of the new year I have decided what a better way to express all the new and exciting experiences bound to happen than by writing it down. As the first week of January has passed by I have already come to learn and feel great things. One of the most important things I have realized thus far is that goals and dreams cannot be accomplished without the personal happiness and awareness within each individual. Many have showed me in both voice and action that while life can be confusing and difficult, sometimes it is simply more important to first realize what is holding you back and cut out those negative influences in your life. Once you find satisfaction with your inner self you then can begin to work on helping others and similarly more profound goals. Start with building up your own persona and as you do this you will come to realize those around you that stay by your side and support your choices. Remember to always love yourself and prioritize that above anything else in your life.
Yours Truly,